More and more Americans today are pursuing the freedom and independence of freelance work. But that very freedom and ability to choose your own schedule also means that most of those freelancers cobble together a work environment at home. As a result, freelance work life often includes odd hours and intrusion into home life.
You can buck this trend and be a more successful freelancer by making a simple move: renting a co-working space. How can rented office space help you be a better entrepreneur? Here are five ways.
1. Separate Work Life
Working from home sounds great for making up your own schedule. Unfortunately, for most people, this schedule ends up extending work life into the home because there is no distinct separation. You don't punch in and out, and you never actually leave the office.
Simulate a work setting with a separate office that's not connected to your home. You go there, do what you came to do, and leave it behind when your work day is over. If possible, create more divisions by storing files and your work computer at the rented office as well. This way, you physically cannot allow your business to intrude on your home life.
2. Better Focus
Mixing work and home life often results in splitting your attention with multiple demands. It's easy to start a work day with good motivation and then remember that you have laundry to put in. Then, before you know it, you're folding clean clothes and sorting things in your closet rather than focusing on work you need to be doing.
Removing yourself from distractions from family, friends, and your home will help you boost productivity and work smarter.
3. Interaction With Others
It's easy to become isolated when you have no fixed office that includes other people. A lack of normal interaction may lead to depression or anxiety building up — especially in a new business person who's already concerned about their venture. You have no natural support system when you're on your own.
Co-working spaces allow you to work around other professionals who are involved in entrepreneurial activities as well as traditional jobs. You can have casual conversations, feel welcomed, and enjoy a built-in network.
4. Professional Environment
A professional environment helps you conduct business in two ways. First, you treat yourself as more of a professional, dressing the part and heading to the office. You'll have the right equipment to conduct normal business rather than having to make do with whatever you have on hand at home.
Secondly, if you meet with anyone else during the course of your business — such as clients, vendors, other freelancers, accountants, or business partners — a real office boosts the professional appearance of your business efforts.
5. Ancillary Services
Most co-working or office rentals offer a variety of other services that can help you. Having someone answer the phone and take messages helps you stay on task with important work. Mail rooms and printing services help you communicate and complete documents. And rented conference rooms and video conferencing keep you connected remotely with clients and business partners.
Look for a rental space with auxiliary services that will help improve your productivity as well those which will provide some enjoyment while you work — such as an onsite gym or cafeteria for a break.
Co-working spaces have many other benefits to offer today's entrepreneurs. If you think a rented office might help you solve your freelance challenges, visit us at Executive Suites, LLC, today. You're sure to find a custom option to provide what you need at a price you can afford.